I quickly realized relating to other women was a simple yet beautiful tool I desperately needed in my life.

Full Moon Women’s Circle

I’ve always longed to relate to someone else’s experience. You have a podcast about how you cope with anxiety? I’m listening. You wrote a book about living life without alcohol - I’m reading it. It’s as if the uncomfortable feelings inside of me settle when someone else tells me they’ve felt them too. 

This craving for sharing and connecting with other people is why I started these women’s circles. In these circles I have come to realize it is okay when fear and sadness overwhelm me and it is wonderful when I am struck by the beauty and joy of this life I get to live. And in each circle, I am reminded time and time again that I am not alone. That none of us are alone. That the ups and downs are a part of life, and the only thing worse than going through them alone is thinking you are the only one going through them at all.

If you are hesitant to join, I understand. I was nervous to join my first women’s circle, but I quickly realized relating to other women was a simple yet beautiful tool I desperately needed in my life.

Interested in joining? We meet on Zoom on every full moon. Email eliza@loveseat.studio for the Zoom link and/or questions.